"Try it.... you might have fun"
I´m Anna Claessen
I work as an entertainer with Happy Studio
During the day I work as a Motivation Speaker and Coach.
I´m known as one of the first one to bring zumba and jallabina to Iceland but we in Happy Studio teach at World Class in Iceland.
I have been dancing since age 4, everything from ballroom and latin, to jazz and modern. I wanted to become a professional dancer at age 16 but my body couldn´t take it so I started teaching instead. What a joy!
I have an Associates in Vocal Performance from Musicians Institute in Hollywood and even had my own band there called Anna and the Bells.
As a motivational speaker I´ve talked about everything from burnout to AI but I´ve dealt with anxiety, depression, burnout.
Now I want to help others.
Combining dancing, singing, with DJ and MC-ing, we in Happy Studio love to get people to participate and join us on the dance floor.
Want more info?
Contact anna.claessen@gmail.com